
March 25, 2016

Personal | Spring is Here! | Dogwood’s are Blooming

Spring is here! For this south Florida girl taking trips up to north Florida from time to time reminds me of how season deprived we south Floridians are. When we arrived at the farm, I instantly noticed the tender leaves on trees and gorgeous blooms everywhere! Dogwoods were in full bloom, and looked like soft fluffy clouds! Fields of flowers on the side of the road waved in the breeze as if inviting you to run through them. 

It’s hard not to see the beauty in everything in the countryside. Quoting from Anne of Green Gables, there is so much ‘scope for the imagination.’ Whenever we pass an old barn or dilapidated log home I wonder about the stories and people that were once there. I don’t see an old fallen down building. I see the gorgeous vines growing whimsically across the rusty tin roof, and wonder when the last time it was occupied. And if the old creaking walls could talk, what would they tell?

There is something freeing and inspiring about a place where time stands still.  “I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping of a string.” Anne of Green Gables

I can just picture a wedding here under this tree! This is what we see as we pull up to the farm.

I can just picture a wedding here under this tree! This is what we see as we pull up to the farm.

Seriously though!!! Are these blooms not gorgeous?

Seriously though!!! Are these blooms not gorgeous?

My little stinker playing in his new rubber boots that daddy bought him 

My little stinker playing in his new rubber boots that daddy bought him 



Another one of my favorites about the south, is the overabundance of romantic moss

Another one of my favorites about the south, is the overabundance of romantic moss

