
February 5, 2016

The Best Is Yet To Come

I was waiting to meet clients at Barnes & Noble. I ordered my coffee, looked at my watch, and realized I had some time to kill. It suddenly dawned on me that my favorite wedding magazine had announced a new issue earlier that month. On a mission now, I jaunted over to the magazine rack, and located the shiny rose gold title, Southern Weddings 🙂 I seriously love this magazine, and felt almost giddy to sit down and pour over the new material. (Yes, looking through wedding magazines makes me REALLY happy) 🙂 The new issue was everything I’d expected, gorgeous photos, and well written articles with phrases like, ‘Bless Your Heart,’ and  ‘Gooder than Grits, Ya’ll!’ However, I didn’t expect to take away a much needed reminder, especially from the editors note? I never read the editor’s note! 🙂 

Lara Casey (the Editor in Chief) was encouraging readers that the best is yet to come when you begin to focus on what matters the most. She asks the question, “Imagine being eighty years old and sitting on the front porch together. What will matter when you’re eighty? Whatever it is, live like that today and let your wedding reflect that heart.” 

Getting caught up in the hustle an bustle of wedding planning, stressing over minute details, and not living in the moment are pitfalls that all brides face. I’m gonna be honest, I was one of those bride’s at times. We want everything to be perfect on the wedding day, striving to emulate what we see on Pinterest. Guilty!!! However, don’t loose site of the bigger picture. The wedding day will pass in a flash, but the love that you share will last forever if you nurture and tend to what matters most in your relationship. 

So, what does focusing on what matters most mean to you? Make a list and start today! Don’t wait. Set aside all of the things that are making you ‘busy’ and tend to those things that hold true importance and value. 

The Best is Yet to Come, My Friend! 🙂

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