
November 4, 2016

Beginner’s Photography Workshop | South Florida Photographer

Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to create exactly what you want in an image? Do you ever wonder why your photos are improperly exposed or out of focus? If you are ready to wipe the dust off your DSLR, and learn how to USE it, then this is workshop for you! On December 7th, I will be teaching the basics of photography, so you can get the results you want in any lighting situation. There is no experience necessary! 

December 7th | 2-5 PM

What’s Included:

-Explanation of exposure triangle: Shutter, Aperture, ISO 

-Topics such as light, composition, basic gear, and how to get that yummy blurry background called ‘Bokeh!’ 

-Shooting in manual mode! Yes, you can do this! 

-Approx 45 minutes of shooting practice and Q & A

-Invitation to a private Facebook group where you can post questions, and images for critique + get support!

-Must have a DSLR

– FUN! You will leave the workshop with new friends that also have a passion for photography! 

Fill out the form below to sign up!! I will send you directions to the workshop location in Jupiter!
