
November 22, 2016

Personal | Monticello Florida | North Florida Photographer

Tis the Season! Hunting Season!! Every year we head to our little farm in North Florida for some fall fun! This season was especially great, because the weather was spectacular, and Cole was enjoying himself immensely. He is still to little to go along with his Daddy, so we hang out all day together while Jay is in a tree stand. We play at the hotel, feed the turtles in the pond, and go for long adventurous treasure walks! There is never a dull moment with my little explorer. The photos below are of Cole playing in a small corner of the parking lot! The leaves were changing also, and it just made the trip even more special. And Brrrrrr! It was cold, but that’s why I love it so much up there! 

When Jay is done hunting in the morning, he meets up with us. We go to lunch, and try to do something fun in town. On Sunday we went to Maclay Gardens for the first time! It was even more beautiful than I’d seen in photos! We didn’t stay that long. Cole had other plans for us. I managed to snap some photos as we walked quickly along though! I definitely want to come back and photograph a session here! Next time!! 

There are gorgeous trees everywhere throughout the park! Cole loved this one in particular. How cute is he? 

I’ll take these shutters to go, please! 

This ‘secret garden’ was such a gorgeous spot for photos! Sometimes when I see places like this, I WISH I had a couple to take photos of! Haha It’s the photographer in me! 

This wall inspired me to start growing confederate jasmine at my house! Home Depot, here I come! 

Just outside the secret garden, a wedding was being set up. Oh! I wanted to stay so bad just to see the bride’s dress! 

My boys! Several takes were needed here 🙂 Cole was very ready to go!

Switching gears now! Back to our farm, and the little town it’s nestled in. Every time we make the long drive to the country, I marvel at God’s creative design. I’m in awe of the beauty that surrounds me, and I never take it for granted. While Cole and I walk the property, I try to quickly snap photos of things that I find personally inspiring. 

This is a dairy farm just down the road. I love when the dairy cows are grazing on the rolling hill just to the right of the barn. It’s so picturesque! 

In town there are so many old homes. I could take photos for hours! 

Seriously though… My favorite part of the trip is shopping at the antique stores. There is always something good just waiting for me on a dusty shelf! I love it.

This house and green shutters remind me of the movie, ‘Anne of Green Gables.’ Don’t you think so too? 

In the quaint downtown, you’ll find sweet cafes, barber shops, antique stores, and a bbq joint. It was so quiet this Sunday. It made for a perfect evening stroll. This particular cafe is Electric City Wheels and Grinds. The owner is amazing, and the cafe is charming as can be!  

Oh My Gosh! I love old windows so much at the local Barber Shop

I love the old Monticello Courthouse and Opera House. We’ve been to the Opera House several times! It’s old and awesome inside. It almost feels haunted. I bet it its!!!

Jay and Cole having fun running down the hotel halls before we head home! 
