
October 27, 2016

Beginner’s Photography Workshop for Moms | South Florida Photographer

So you have an awesome DSLR camera, and you probably purchased it with good intentions of learning how to take memorable photos of your little ones. But with all the demands of being a mom, pouring over your camera’s manual is the last thing on your mind! If your dream is to take better pictures of life’s precious moments, and learn your camera better, then this workshop is for you! 

With the holidays fast approaching, you will be able to take timeless photos of your children with confidence, getting exactly what you want! Are you ready to take your settings off of ‘auto’ and start producing pretty images? Grab your girlfriends and let’s have fun with this!!! 

What the workshop is about:

Date: November 29th | Time: 2-5 PM

-Explanation of exposure triangle: Shutter, Aperture, ISO 

-Topics such as light, composition, catching candid moments (especially when your child doesn’t like to be photographed), basic gear, and how to get that yummy blurry background called ‘Bokeh!’ 

-Shooting in manual mode! Yes, you can do this! 

-Approx 45 minutes of shooting practice and Q & A

– FUN! You will leave the workshop with new mom friends that also have a passion for photography! 

Fill out the form below to sign up!! I will send you directions to the workshop location in Jupiter!





